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Aprende NodeJS en 1 día: Complete Node JS Guide con ejemplos (Spanish Edition)

Price: EUR 2,99
(as of Mar 20, 2020 04:31:53 UTC – Details)

Node.js es compatible con aplicaciones de cliente y servidor. Está basado en JavaScript y funciona muy rápido. Estas características han convertido a node.js en uno de los frameworks más poderosos en el ecosistema de Java . JavaScript solo le permite crear aplicaciones móviles y web en tiempo real y escalables. Con este libro electrónico, aprenderá más sobre el framework node.js y cómo usarlo efectivamente para el desarrollo web.

Los desarrolladores promedio o principiantes que tengan problemas para entender los conceptos básicos de node.js encontrarán que este libro es muy útil y productivo. El libro ha intentado poner ejemplos que simplifiquen los problemas que suelen encontrar los usuarios como el funcionamiento del código asíncrono, cuáles son los módulos , cómo se puede leer el archivo grande , expresar node.js, etc. Encontrará que muchos conceptos que requieren tiempo para dominar se pueden aprender en un día o dos .

Si esta es su primera interacción con node.js y no desea todos los tipos de problemas que ocurren con el nodo, se recomienda esta edición. Después de navegar por este eBook, node.js se convertirá en un placer absoluto.

Tabla de contenidos

Capítulo 1 Introducción

  1. Qué es node.js
  2. Por qué usar Node.js
  3. Características de Node.js
  4. Cuándo usar y no usar Node.js

Capítulo 2: Descargar e instalar Node.js

  1. Cómo instalar node.js
  2. Instalando el nodo a través de un administrador de paquetes
  3. Ejecutando su primera aplicación Hello world en Node.js

Capítulo 3: Módulos

  1. Qué son los módulos en Node.js
  2. Usar módulos en Node.js
  3. Creando módulos de NPM
  4. Módulos extensibles
  5. Publicación de módulos de NPM
  6. Administrar paquetes de terceros con npm
  7. ¿Cuál es el archivo package.json?

Capítulo 4: Crear servidor y obtener datos

Capítulo 5: Node.js con Express

  1. Qué es Express.js
  2. Instalación y uso de Express
  3. Qué son las Rutas
  4. Ejemplo de servidor web con express.js

Capítulo 6: Node.js con MongoDB

  1. Bases de datos Node.js y NoSQL
  2. Usando MongoDB y Node.js
  3. Cómo crear una aplicación de nodo express con MongoDB para almacenar y servir contenido

Capítulo 7: promesa, generador, evento y extensión de archivos

  1. Que son promesas
  2. Devolución de llamada a promesas
  3. Generando promesas con la biblioteca Bluebird
  4. Creando una promesa personalizada
  5. Retrollamadas vs generadores
  6. Filestream en Node.js
  7. Emitir eventos

Capítulo 8: Prueba con Jasmine

  1. Descripción general de Jasmine para probar aplic

Omega2: Linux Computer with Wi-Fi, Made for IoT

Price: EUR 19,95
(as of Mar 20, 2020 01:28:39 UTC – Details)

A tiny, powerful WiFi development kit that makes it super easy to connect things in your world. With OpenWRT Linux, you can program the Omega with Python, Node.js or C/C++.

Introducing the Omega2, the IoT computer.

What the heck is an IoT computer? It is a Linux computer designed specifically for building connected hardware applications. It combines the tiny form factor and power-efficiency of the Arduino, with the power and flexibilities of the Raspberry Pi.

– The Omega2 is simple, even for people who are just getting started with building hardware.

– The Omega2 is affordable.

With the Omega2, we want to lower the barrier of entry, and allow everyone to take the leap into hardware development.

We made the Omega2 tiny so that it can easily fit into your DIY project or commercial product. It is less than 1/4 the size of the Raspberry Pi, and less than 1/3 the size of the Arduino Uno.

The Omega2 has integrated Wi-Fi and on-board flash storage. This means that it springs to life the moment you power it on. You don’t have to worry about buying Wi-Fi dongles or installing operating system images onto external SD cards.

Using the Omega2 is just like using a desktop computer. We’ve built simple and intuitive apps for you to interact with the Omega2. We also have an App Store where you can discover even more apps!For the more adventurous, you can even build apps with our SDK and publish them on the Onion App Store to share with the world 🙂

Don’t be fooled by its size, the Omega2 is a full computer running Linux, the same operating system that powers some of the world’s most mission-critical infrastructure. You can think of the Omega2 as a tiny Linux server with Wi-Fi. (Yes, it even runs Apache!)

For the BSD fans out there, the Omega2 also runs FreeBSD!

580MHz CPU
64MB Memory
16MB Storage
USB 2.0, b/g/n Wi-Fi, 2 PWM, 2 UART

MPC NOTEBOOK Stand – per Dell XPS 13 9360 (Core i7) – supporto per portatile/supporto per ufficio e Viaggi, Dissipazione del Calore | LTS 2 Space Grigio

Price: 00.00
(as of Mar 20, 2020 00:28:01 UTC – Details)

Il supporto per laptop favorisce una buona postura, evita tensioni muscolari e supporta prestazioni efficaci. Per ridurre le tensioni, perfetto per i tuoi occhi, poiché lo schermo del tuo notebook altezza è personalizzato. Il lavoro è molto meno faticoso. Affinché vermeidest du mit gebeugter postura alla scrivania da seduti. Inoltre reduzierst du per una torsione della colonna vertebrale e un sovraccarico dei muscoli del collo, che potrebbero causare problemi di schiena o collo.Comoda e dissipazione del calore Notebook Stand.
Adatto per laptop con 11 pollici di dimensioni fino a 15,6 pollici. Net peso: 0.34 kg colore: Grigio siderale Materiale: alluminio Dimensioni: 24*6.5*21 cm
Grazie alla qualità e design flessibile antiscivolo scorrevole può sostegni fino a 10 kg gravare stabile e sicuro.Senza piastra di fondo dissipata dal il calore dei dispositivi molto leggera e spregiudicato. Non rozzo raffreddamento è necessario. Non c’ è rischio che ottiene il computer portatile da graffi, perché solo con i rivestimenti in gomma in contatto.
Spedizione gratuita: offriamo spedizione gratuita
* fornitura: 1 X supporto alluminio Notebook

Front-end Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Bootstrap (English Edition)

Price: EUR 31,16
(as of Mar 19, 2020 23:26:45 UTC – Details)

Stay ahead of the web evolution with elegant combination front-end development

Front-End Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Bootstrap is the professional’s guide to fast, responsive web development. Utilizing the most popular combination of web technologies for Microsoft developers, this guide provides the latest best practices and ASP.NET MVP guidance to get you up to speed quickly. The newest ASP.NET – now called ASP.NET Core – is leaner, easier to use, and less bound to the operating system and IDE.colle, giving you the perfect opportunity to leverage third-party frameworks and libraries that provide functionalities not native to ASP.NET Core and Visual Studio. This book shows you how to integrate ASP.NET Core with Angular, Bootstrap, and similar frameworks, with a bit of jQuery Mobile, Nuget, continuous deployment, Bower dependencies, and Gulp/Grunt build systems, including development beyond Windows on Mac and Linux. With clear, concise instruction and expert insight, this guide is an invaluable resource for meeting the demands of modern web development.

  • Combine ASP.NET Core with different tools, frameworks, and libraries
  • Utilize third-party libraries with non-native functionalities
  • Adopt the most up-to-date best practices for front-end development
  • Develop flexible, responsive design sites

The world of web development is evolving faster than ever before, and the trend is toward small, focused frameworks with modular capabilities. Microsoft has noticed, and upgraded ASP.NET Core to align with the latest industry expectations. Front-End Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Bootstrap helps you elegantly integrate these technologies to develop the sites that the industry demands.

Full Stack Mobile App with Ionic Framework (English Edition)

(as of – Details)

Hoc Phan has been in the industry for 20 years. He started programming since the age of 12 with Pascal and Assembly on 486 computer. He has been working in various startups and large companies. In addition, he has been speaking and presenting at several local meetups, industry events and conferences. Full-stack Mobile App with Ionic Framework will help you solve complex problem of mobile app development for multiple platforms. This is even more challenging when you have limited time and budget. Although this book is ideal for those who have already known AngularJS and have been using jQuery Mobile for mobile app development, you can pick up the concepts really quickly through easy to understand examples. If you have used jQuery Mobile before, Ionic Framework will give you a different perspective. Hoc is a strong believer that Javascript can rule the world of mobile development. More information about this book and the author is available on Innovie (

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